Flexible tools to simplify your abstract submission process

Whether your call for papers is simple or complex, Conference Manager's flexible toolkit will
adapt to your needs.

  • Abstract set-up wizard guides you step-by-step
  • Collect abstracts for any format (e.g. oral, poster, workshop and sessions)
  • Define keywords and/or categories
  • Create custom questions as required (e.g. learning objectives, experience)
  • Collect speaker biographies
  • Collect audio-visual requirements
  • Text-box input for abstracts
  • File upload for full papers, hand-outs, pictures or Powerpoint files.
  • Control formatting and set character limits
  • Clear, step-by-step submission process for authors
  • Speakers can easily make changes to their abstracts online
  • Secure, password control
  • Automatic email confirmations


  • Easy process for your submitters - even for those who wait until the last minute!
  • Speakers can edit their own submissions, reducing the workload for you
  • Easy to use tools mean that you can get started right-away
  • Flexible options provide for every contingency
  • No data entry - all your abstract information goes directly your database