Your contribution  

Submissions are closed. Thank you!

You may submit a poster abstract and express your wish to be considered to give a talk (15 min incl. 5 min for questions) in one of the following plenary sessions. A total of twenty speakers will be selected.

  • Greenhouse gases and the oceans
  • Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
  • Atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry
  • Interconnections between aerosols, clouds and ecosystems
  • Ocean biogeochemical control on atmospheric chemistry
  • SOLAS science and society
  • Integrated topics
  • Geoengineering

For a brief description of each session, check the Plenary talk webpage

Submit a poster/talk abstract HERE

Each participant may also submit a discussion session proposal for one of the afternoon discussion sessions. Each session will be 90 min long including a 15-min max. introduction.

Submit a discussion session proposal HERE


                      Hokkaido University Campus. Photo credit: Jessica Gier                         

last modified: December 2018